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Telehealth Services Specialty Care FAQ

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Why should I schedule a telehealth visit for specialty care, instead of an in-person visit?


MUSC Health telehealth services provides care specifically tailored to your lifestyle. Operating only through virtual contact, like computers and smart phones, telehealth conveniently removes typical barriers that may otherwise block specialty healthcare services.


Why does MUSC Health offer this additional service?


We at MUSC Health know that everyone requires a unique approach to managing their health. Whether it’s difficulty in traveling, taking time off from work, social anxiety, or the fear of long wait times – we want to remove any restrictions keeping you from seeing the specialist you need. We believe the ability to access expert healthcare and engage with your clinical care team, on your terms, will improve your ability to get well, and stay healthy.


Does MUSC Health telehealth provide ongoing care, or just a one-time visit?


As long as it remains the right choice for your health, MUSC Health telehealth is intended to provide you with continuing care. If needed, this could be a one-time visit, in addition to your regularly scheduled primary care appointments. If your current condition requires in-person visits with your doctor or clinical care team, this service may not be the best choice for you.


Does MUSC Health telehealth also provide in-person services?


No, telehealth services are only conducted through virtual contact. Telehealth, or virtual care, is any healthcare visit conducted through technology like a computer or a smart phone.  MUSC Health does provide a wide variety of in-person services. If your virtual care team discovers that you need an in-person visit, they will help you find one and transfer your care.


What happens if I start a telehealth visit, but decide I want to be seen in-person instead?


If you decide that you want to be seen in-person, for any reason at all, your virtual care team will help schedule an in-person visit that best meets your clinical needs.


If I have a telehealth visit, how will I get any labs, x-rays or other studies that may need to be ordered?


MUSC Health telehealth team members will coordinate the labs or studies you need to be performed in a location as convenient as possible.  The results will then be sent to your healthcare provider.


Will MUSC Health telehealth for specialty care services bill my insurance?


Yes, this service will bill your insurance. Depending on your insurance plan, you may be responsible for any co-pays.


Are there additional costs for using MUSC Health telehealth services?


While you may be responsible for co-pays, depending on your insurance plan, there are no additional fees related to this service.  If you currently do not have insurance, we can provide you with payment expectations.


How do I schedule an appointment with MUSC Health telehealth for specialty care?


This service has its own dedicated scheduling portal, designed to make it easier for you to schedule an appointment most convenient for you.

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