Arts in Healing

Founded in 2018, MUSC Arts in Healing aims to provide access to the inherent healing powers of the arts to improve the health and well-being of the community. From mindful art installations to evidence-based therapy interventions, Arts in Healing’s diverse programming is focused on both clinical and non-clinical needs within healthcare and the community at large. The clinical arm of the department is led by a team of credentialed art and music therapists that provide comprehensive creative arts therapy services to patients and families receiving care in the hospital and to clients in our community. Clinicians are also focused on training future creative arts therapists, education, and policy-making. 

Fueled by donations and the support from leaders across the state, the department has grown to include a clinical team of art and music therapists, a curation and design specialist, volunteers and various partners in the community committed to using the arts as a healing tool.

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