Shared Governance

Nursing shared governance at MUSC Health is the structure that empowers nursing to make practice change and improvement, while fostering professional growth and development. Shared governance is shared decision making for professional nursing and organizational leadership related to practice, quality, patient experience and knowledge management.

MUSC Health’s shared governance model is organized around the domains of the American Nurses Credentialing Centers Magnet Program. While not included as one of the Magnet(R) domains, MUSC Health has included Healthy Work Environment as a council.

Image that shows MUSC shared governance modelFour of the six organization-wide councils—Transformational Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Exemplary Professional Practice, and New Knowledge and Innovation—are modeled on the domains of Magnet® Recognition, which the American Nurses Credentialing Center awarded to MUSC Health in September 2015. A Healthy Work Environment Council was added to meet MUSC-specific needs.

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