Breast Imaging

Radiology technician talking to patient in front of the mammography machine.

MUSC Health Marion Medical Center offers one of the most accurate mammograms available for women of all breast densities.

Our Care Team strives to deliver the highest quality of care to the patients we serve by using the most advanced technology available. 3-D mammography is the standard in breast imaging and is the best tool for early diagnosis, giving patients a much better chance of survival and leading a long, productive life.


Our comprehensive breast services offer next-day appointments for breast screenings. Our team provides prompt access for new or existing patients, no referrals necessary.

About Mammograms at MUSC Health

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women – but if detected early, the disease can usually be treated successfully.

Guidelines from the American College of Radiology (ACR) and Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) recommend annual mammograms for women age 40 and older. If you believe you are at risk for breast cancer, please contact your health care provider.

To schedule your annual mammogram, please contact us at 843-431-4525.

Important Links 

Mammography screening guidelines by American Cancer Society (ACS)

Breast Concerns

Image of woman examining her own breast.

If you have a concern or change in your breast, you should act fast and so should we. Whether you notice a change during a self-breast exam, receive an abnormal mammogram result, or your health care provider discovers a change in your breasts, our dedicated breast team makes your health a priority and will schedule the most appropriate service for you as quickly as possible.  

Keep in mind most changes are common and are not cancer. However, we understand these changes can be frightening, and it’s important to have them checked and properly diagnosed.

What is considered a breast concern?

  • A breast lump or mass
  • Breast Pain
  • Nipple changes or discharge
  • Changes in skin
  • Change in breast appearance
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