Questions to Ask Your Oncologist

Image of patient and caregiver having conversation.

You’ll likely have many questions related to your diagnosis and treatment. Writing them down is a great way to remember questions during your next appointment. We will make sure to answer all of them. We also recommend bringing a family member or friend to take notes, listen to the discussion, and provide support.

Here are some of the most common questions we answer.

About Radiation Therapy

  • Why do I need radiation therapy?
  • What kind of radiation therapy will I receive?
  • How can radiation therapy help me?
  • How many weeks will my course of radiation therapy last?
  • How can I learn more about radiation therapy?

About Side Effects

  • What kinds of side effects should I expect during my course of radiation therapy?
  • What will you do to help me manage these side effects?
  • Will these side effects go away after I finish radiation therapy?
  • What kinds of late side effects should I expect after I finish radiation therapy?
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