Due to severe weather, clinics in Chester, Indian Land, Lancaster & the Midlands will close early on Friday, January 10. Learn more.

Enrollment and Changing Coverage

New Hires: Enrolling & Changing Benefits

  • New hires must select insurance benefits within 31 days of your date of hire and retirement benefits within 30 days of your date of hire.
  • New hires who start on the first calendar day of the month will have insurance benefits effective the first of the month. When the employee begins work on the first business day of the month they can choose to have their insurance start the first day of that month or the first day of the following month. If the employee starts on a day other than the first working day or first day of the month then their insurance will be effective the first of the next month.
  • You can make changes to your initial insurance enrollment within 31 days from your date of hire.


Benefits Changes You Can Make Year-Round

Certain benefits changes can be made any time during the year, changes such as:

  • Drop dependent life insurance
  • Drop optional life insurance
  • Drop supplemental long term disability
  • Change beneficiaries


With completion of the Personal Health Application:

  • Add/Increase dependent life insurance
  • Add/Increase optional life insurance


Open Enrollment

  • The Open enrollment period is October 1st through October 31st each year.  You can make changes to your coverage during OE, any changes made would go into effect the 1st of January.  During the OE period, you can make changes for the following year;
  • Each year you can add/drop health, vision or for yourself or your dependents.
  • Enroll or reenroll for flexible spending accounts;  Dependent Care and/or Medical Spending Accounts for the following year.
  • Every odd year OE period you can add or drop dependents to your dental coverage and add or drop dental plus, (every odd year OE:  2021, 2023, 2025 w/changes going into effect the 1st of the new year.


Life Qualifying Event

You may be able to add or delete dependents to health, vision and/or dental insurance within 31 days from date you experience any of the following life-qualifying events:

  • Marriage
  • Separation/Divorce
  • Birth or Adoption
  • Death
  • Employment change of spouse
  • Dependency change for children



  • A transfer is required to keep the same benefits enrolled in with their previous employer when moving to the MUSC plan. Should you wish to change benefits, you may do so during Open Enrollment. A transfer who was enrolled in the State Savings Plan must switch to the MUSC Health plan upon starting employment with MUHA.