
All News Articles

Showing 1 – 10 (of 274)
a man in a doctor's white coat with stethoscope around his neck poses in a clinic hallway

Evaluating Novel Therapy

March 21, 2025

Hollings enrolled the first patient in a clinical trial of a new type of drug, a bifunctional antibody, for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.

A model of the human ear.

Better Hearing?

March 17, 2025

The cochlear implant team at MUSC Health adds a new clinical trial that’s testing a device that may reduce hearing loss that can happen as an implant goes in.

two researchers pose in a garden setting

Smoking Cessation

February 13, 2025

MUSC Hollings Cancer Center researchers will test whether e-cigarettes are a viable quit smoking option for people who decline other options.

A man's upper body. You can see faint outlines of a hearing aid that's under his skin.

Cochlear Implant Trial

February 07, 2025

“There's an incredible amount of excitement about this device.” MUSC prepares to place totally under-the-skin cochlear implants in patients with hearing loss.

as someone attempts to pour more red wine into a wine glass, the drinker places her hand over the glass indicating she doesn't want any more

Alcohol and Cancer

January 08, 2025

The U.S. surgeon general is calling attention to the link between alcohol and cancer, a connection that may be news to the general public.

Young person vaping. The paper is wearing a baseball hat backward and a dark shirt.

Teen Vaping

December 05, 2024

As doctors in emergency department see more signs patients have been vaping, they focus on what might help kids kick habit.

a man wearing purple shirt and tie with a purple ribbon pinned to his lapel talks to another man during a reception at Hollings Cancer Center

Pancreatic Cancer

December 03, 2024

On World Pancreatic Cancer Day, researchers and survivors gathered to share progress in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

portrait of researcher Ashish Deshmukh in jacket and collared shirt open at the neck in a sunlit hallway

HPV Vaccine Success

November 27, 2024

Cervical cancer deaths in women under 25, who were tweens when the HPV vaccine was introduced, have plunged, Hollings researchers show.

Patient Brenda Purvis in a telehealth visit with MUSC Health psychiatrist Dr. Frampton Gwynette

Rural Mental Health

November 14, 2024

MUSC receives one of 27 HRSA grants nationwide that seek to leverage telehealth to improve behavioral health in rural communities.

cartoon illustration of a man laying down to enter a CT machine for a lung scan

Lung Cancer Screening

November 04, 2024

Not enough people are aware of lung cancer screening, even though the test can find early-stage, treatable cancer, Hollings researchers find.

Showing 1 – 10 (of 274)
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