
All News Articles

Showing 1 – 10 (of 68)
Illustration with four lightbulbs, one of which is bursting with color, showing an idea.

Women Entrepreneurs

July 12, 2024

The CREW program encourages early-career women in science to become entrepreneurs.

Dr. Christina Voelkel-Johnson

Monster Cancer Cells

May 28, 2024

Polyploid giant cancer cells, which are monstrously oversized and contain multiple nuclei, could be culprits in disease recurrence after cancer therapy.

Vice President of Research Dr. Lori McMahon in front of banner for Blue Sky Award, which she  founded,

Blue Sky Winners

April 23, 2024

Teams working to improve substance use screening in trauma centers and relieve symptoms of a connective tissue disease take home this year’s Blue Sky Awards.

Dr. Michael Gold standing next to MUSC Health banner

Reducing Stroke Risk

March 13, 2024

A new worldwide study finds the blood thinner apixaban to be successful in reducing stroke in patients with subclinical atrial fibrillation.

Man in a suit standing at a podium. There is a sign saying MUSC Health behind him.

Heart Failure Treatment

February 15, 2024

Cardiologist: “I want to make sure that everything that they offer at Charleston, except for transplant, will be offered here at MUSC Columbia."

Woman in a chair point to her left hand. She's looking at a screen where she sees a man.

Revolutionizing the ED

February 14, 2024

Emergency Medicine physicians at MUSC Health have designed a process to see patients faster and optimize care.

a cancer surgeon in the operating room looks up to talk to a team member

New Chief

February 08, 2024

Dr. Kevin Roggin, new surgical oncology chief, says he learned how to be a well-rounded physician through good role models, and he wants to pass that along.

Woman wearing a white coat and glasses shakes hands with a tall man. Another woman watches.

Values in Action

December 15, 2023

MUSC President David Cole names winners of 2023 Values in Action Awards.

Partial Team for portable MRI-equipped ambulance Blue Sky Award winning project

MRI-equipped Ambulance

November 01, 2023

MUSC researchers partner with Emergency Medical Services to pilot test the first MRI-equipped ambulance to speed stroke response.

Showing 1 – 10 (of 68)