Patient- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC)

At MUSC Health, Patient-and Family-Centered Care means patients, their families, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals form partnerships that benefit everyone. We partner with patients and families by:

  • Treating patients and family members with Respect and Dignity

  • Sharing information in ways that are affirming and useful.

  • Collaborating with patients and families in their care. 

  • Enhancing independence and control through Participation.

Family Presence and Visitation:

MUSC Health supports a patient-and family-centered approach to care to improve safety, reduce errors, and improve outcomes. Family members are not considered visitors to a loved one who is hospitalized. They are key participants in support, decision-making, and care. We do not have visiting hour restrictions and two people are always welcome at the bedside 24 hours a day, according to patient preferences. For more information view this document (PDF). 

Patient and Family Advisory Councils:

Patient and Family Advisory Councils (PFACs) are comprised of patients/ family members with experience at an MUSC Health facility who partner with care team members to improve care for all.

Advise MUSC:

Advise MUSC is a virtual advisor program that allows us to gather real-time feedback from thousands of patients and families across the state of South Carolina. Advise MUSC ensures we are not making decisions for patients and families, without patients and families. If you would like to participate in this program, please contact the PFCC Coordinator.

Annual Report

View the PFCC 2023 Annual Report (PDF)

Cover of PFCC 2023 Annual Report.

For concerns about your care, please contact our Patient and Family Liaison team at 843-792-5555 or visit their page here