CARES Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy Clinic

CARES offers physical therapy services from orthopedic to neurological problems ranging from mechanical body issues to traumatic brain injuries and strokes. Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who use exercise and movement to decrease pain and prevent future injuries.

The occupational therapy students at CARES focus on helping patients participate fully in life. The students work with patients to identify meaningful daily activities, such as cooking and dressing. These activities are modified to fit the patient’s needs and promote independence.

Speech therapists at CARES work with clients on deficits in receptive and expressive language, cognition, and swallowing disorders. They work with clients who may have had a stroke, brain injury, hearing loss, developmental delay, a cleft palate, cerebral palsy, or emotional issues.

The CARES Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Clinic depends on our community for its continuing success. Support us by making an online donation today.

CARES Therapy Clinic Community Impact

 ambulance icon Community Emergency Department Savings   $58,972
 CARES doctors icon Clinician Cost Savings  $6,080
 CARES cross icon Treatment Provided  $126,400
 CARES hospital icon Total Community Impact  $191,452
 CARES patient icon Total Patient Encounters  523

January to December 2024 (Updated February 2025)

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