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The MUSC Ryan White HIV/AIDS Clinic

The Medical University of South Carolina HIV/AIDS clinic was started in September 1991. Community agencies and individuals came together to write a grant that provided Charleston, Berkeley, and Dorchester counties with Ryan White Care Act Funding. With support from the Medical University of South Carolina, this clinic was the first in the state to be devoted to providing HIV/AIDS care by Infectious Disease Specialists.

In 1991, MUSC Infectious Diseases provided care to approximately 50 HIV/AIDS patients. Today the clinic serves over 1,300 HIV/AIDS patients and continues to grow each year. Our current staff consists of Infectious Diseases faculty physicians, physician fellows, nurses, social workers, OB-GYN physicians, a mental health team of clinical therapists and psychiatrists, medical case managers, outreach support, peer educators, researchers, and pharmacists.

Our goal is to end the HIV epidemic. We work towards that goal by providing excellent medical care and support services to adults living with HIV across the state of South Carolina.

Our Services

The Ryan White Clinic offers a wide range of services to support our patients:

  • Free HIV testing
  • Comprehensive medical care
  • Dental referrals
  • Medical transportation
  • Medication assistance
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Medical case management
  • Mental health counseling
  • Emergency financial assistance
  • Health insurance support
  • Support groups
  • Substance abuse counseling

Free HIV Testing

MUSC Infectious Diseases provides free, confidential HIV testing at our outpatient clinic. To schedule a test or for more information, call 843-876-2905. Walk-ins are welcome. The clinic is located on the 7th floor at 135 Rutledge Ave, Charleston, SC 29425. 

Schedule an Appointment

If you are newly diagnosed with HIV or wish to transfer your HIV care, please contact Megan Ohorodnyk, MSN, RN, Ryan White Nurse Manager, at 843-792-7485 to schedule an initial appointment.

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