Specialty Programs & Interdisciplinary Clinics

  • Osteoporosis
  • Bridge Program
    • Group-based treatment program designed to assist injured athletes looking to return to sport
  • Hand Clinic and Hand therapy
    • The hand clinic is a specialty clinic offering a unique, streamlined approach to assessing and treating your hand injury. Patients are assessed by their surgeon and, if deemed necessary, immediately enter hand/occupational therapy at the same clinic, during the same office visit. This integrated setting allows for real-time collaboration between therapists and surgeons, leading to an adaptive and personalized treatment plan.
  • Vestibular Clinic
    • Multi-disciplinary clinic to treat those with vestibular disorders
  • Parkinson's Clinic
    • Multi-disciplinary clinic to treat those with Parkinson’s Clinic
  • ALS Clinic
    • Multi-disciplinary clinic to treat those with ALS
  • Concussion Clinic
    • The pediatric concussion clinic is a multidisciplinary specialty clinic treating patients after a minor traumatic brain injury/concussion. Patients are assessed by neurosurgery, speech therapy and physical therapy. The speech therapist assesses for cognitive changes related to a concussion, including but not limited to decreased attention, processing, memory concerns and she works with families in returning to school appropriately. The physical therapist completes an assessment of patient's oculomotor and vestibular systems which can attribute to symptoms such as headaches and dizziness symptoms patients may be having after an injury, as well as assessing balance. The PT will also help in guiding returning to prior level of activity to return patients to their desired activities such as sports and playing with friends! The concussion clinic is weekly at the Summey Medical Pavilion in North Charleston. .
  • Facial Nerve Rehabilitation Program
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
    • An FCE is administered by a Board-Certified Specialist in Functional Assessment. The purpose of an FCE is to determine an objective measure of a client's safe functional abilities as compared with specific demands of work. It has become an increasingly effective tool in determining physical return to work readiness, assisting physicians in final impairment and disability ratings, maximal medical improvement ratings, as well as a determining a patient's motivation for improvement or return to work.
  • Pre-op Shoulder Replacement Clinic
    • A Physical Therapist will perform a fall risk screen as well as make equipment recommendations prior to your shoulder replacement procedure. Recommendations will also be made for post operative care based on patients' individual needs.
  • Lymphedema
    • An intensive program of CDT: Complete Decongestive Therapy, which includes Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), compressive bandaging and compressive garment recommendations, self care education, and remedial exercises to treat lymphedema. Learn more about the lymphedema program(link).
  • Osteoporosis
    • A 4-week program (two times a week) of exercise, posture and balance training, patient education, and self care to improve bone mineral density, prevent falls, improve mobility, and decrease pain.
  • Pediatrics
  • Wheelchair Seating and Mobility
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
    • An FCE is administered by a Board-Certified Specialist in Functional Assessment. The purpose of an FCE is to determine an objective measure of a client's safe functional abilities as compared with specific demands of work. It has become an increasingly effective tool in determining physical return to work readiness, assisting physicians in final impairment and disability ratings, maximal medical improvement ratings, as well as a determining a patient's motivation for improvement or return to work.
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