Research and Publications

The Division of Vascular and Interventional Radiology at MUSC has a long history of participation in clinical trials and being at the forefront of medical research in the fields of vascular disease, cancer treatment, and a variety of other conditions. Here you will find information on research being currently performed at the VIR division at MUSC.

Single Institution Registry of Prostatic Artery Embolization.

This is a study looking at the benefits and risks of a procedure called “Prostatic Artery Embolization,” or PAE, which is a procedure done for relieving symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

South Carolina Research Studies Directory

Phase 3 Prospective, Randomized, Blinded and Controlled Investigation of Hepasphere/Quadrasphere Microspheres for Delivery of Doxorubicin for the Treatment of Hepatocellular Cancer.

Sponsor: Merit Medical/BioSphere Medical, Inc

RAVI Registry: A Prospective, Multi-Center, Observational Study of Radial Access Embolization using Hydropearls Microspheres.

Protocol RR3 (CP-03-001), Targeted Intra-arterial Gemcitabine vs. Continuation of IV Gemcitabine Plus Nab-Paclitaxel Following Induction with Sequential IV Gemcitabine Plus Nab-Paclitaxel and Radiotherapy for Unresectable Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer (TIGeR-PaC).

SUCCESS retrospective chart review study to assess safety and rate of procedural success in uterine fibroid embolization procedures using radial artery access. (funded) – Currently under contract negotiations.

Optimization of Trans-Radial (TR)-Band Removal Following Transradial Arterial Access for Interventional Radiology Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures.

Transcatheter Arterial Particle Embolization: A Potential New Therapeutic Modality for the Treatment of Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis.

Breathing motion reduction with Motion Freeze software in Cone Beam CT images. (non-funded) 2019 – present.

A humanitarian device exemption treatment protocol of TheraSphere for treatment of unresectable primary liver cancer. (non-funded) 2018 – present.

Single session pharmaco-mechanical thrombectomy versus thrombolysis for lower extremity acute deep vein thrombosis (DVT) (non-funded) 2018-present.