School-Based Telehealth

A child has a telehealth appointment with a health care provider.

Kids stay at school. Parents don't have to leave work. MUSC provides children across South Carolina with general pediatric and behavioral health services conveniently at school through telehealth. School-based telehealth can be found in over 150 school districts across South Carolina.

Pediatric Telehealth Services

Treatment for common pediatric ailments like rashes, sore throats, and stomach aches without leaving school.

Learn more about School-Based Pediatric Telehealth services.

Behavioral Telehealth Services

Mental health support for conditions like attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and grief/loss.

Learn more about School-Based Behavioral Telehealth services.

To see if your school participates in this program, please contact your school directly.