
Working collaboratively with providers across South Carolina and with the use of telehealth technology, patients can get the care they need at the right time, in the right place. That might be a stroke patient presenting at a community hospital ER at three in the morning, an expectant mother in a rural community with a difficult pregnancy, or a student with an allergy - who if treated early - will never miss a day of class. Some services are being delivered directly into the patients homes and on their mobile devices.
The Center for Telehealth offers an expanding array of hospital-based services. We are adding Neonatology and Sickle Cell services to the list, with many more to come.
Outpatient Clinical Settings
The Center for Telehealth offers specialty services being delivered into private practices and clinics in the MUSC service area. Named OT for outpatient telehealth, specialties include maternal fetal medicine, nutrition and psychiatry, Learn about clinical settings and telehealth.
The School-Based Telehealth program brings advanced health care to children in the school setting. Long travel distances, missed school days, and missed work days for parents are barriers to accessing healthcare for many rural or medically under served children.
Skilled Nursing Facilities
Because skilled nursing facilities care for some of the most frail and complex patients, telehealth is a solution to extend care to these patients in the comfort of their settings. It reduced unnecessary transportation to emergency departments for cases that are non-emergent.
Correctional Facilities
While the prisons and jail do have medical care, it’s not always offered 24/7. MUSC doctors are working around the clock and telehealth is connecting providers and inmates using technology, including video. Inmates only visit MUSC if an in-person visit is warranted. Learn more about correctional facilities and telehealth.
The prevalence of mobile technology provides a benefit to expanding health care services to patients wherever they are. Patients can get care now with virtual urgent care, be monitored remotely by from chronic conditions and seek follow-up care using their mobile devices. Learn more about direct-to-patient telehealth.