Ask a Pharmacist

Please note that this forum is not a substitute for your health care provider's advice and is intended for health information only. Your specific condition or specific questions regarding a specific patient cannot be discussed without the patient having been evaluated. What we can do is assist you in determining your need to seek medical attention and provide health information. 

If you would like to ask a question about the medications you are taking (drug interactions, side effects), please fill out the form below. A pharmacist will respond to your question usually within 48 hours (closed weekends and holidays).


  • Ask-A-Pharmacist does not have access to patient records or refills. For refills, please call the MUSC Health Outpatient Pharmacy 24-hour refill request, 843-876-0199.
  • Ask-A-Pharmacist can no longer identify tablets or capsules with imprint codes due to patient privacy laws.
  • If you or your family member has a medical emergency or a drug question that needs to be answered immediately, please call your doctor, pharmacist, or 911.

Please read our Privacy Statement before proceeding.
