Specialty Nights

We offer a variety of specialty nights. 

Spanish Specialty Night

This night is designed to provide more personalized service for our Spanish-speaking patient population. The office staff, students, and licensed medical provider will all either be native speakers, fluent in Spanish, or have extensive training in the language. We use the services of certified medical interpreters as well. This clinic is held monthly. 

OB-GYN Night

This night focuses care on patients identifying as female and needing care for specific reproductive and gynecological needs including pap smears, birth control, STD testing, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding and other problems specific to female care. Please note that CARES clinic does not have obstetrical care for pregnant patients. This clinic is held monthly.

Cardiovascular Night

This night is designed to provide special attention to patients with diagnoses of, or concerns for, having cardiovascular disease including: vessel disease, heart failure, and irregular heart rhythms. A cardiologist will be on site to evaluate each patient and determine an appropriate plan of care. This clinic is held monthly.

Dermatology Night

This night is designed to provide special attention to patients with skin conditions or concerns. Dermatology residents will be on site to evaluate each patient and determine an appropriate plan of care. This clinic is held monthly.

GI Night

This night is designed to provide special attention to patients with diagnoses of, or concerns about, gastrointestinal diseases including conditions such as IBS, GERD, and Crohn’s disease. A gastroenterologist will be on site to evaluate each patient and determine an appropriate plan of care. This clinic is held monthly.

Psychiatry/Integrated Care Night

This night is designed to provide special attention to patients with psychiatric concerns, or those who request counseling. A resident in internal medicine-psychiatry will be on site to evaluate each patient and determine an appropriate plan of care. This clinic is held monthly.

Fight for Sight Night

This night is designed to provide specific vision care for patients. Ophthalmologists will be on site to perform more in-depth vision screenings than would normally be performed in a primary care office. They will be able to assess vision needs, provide treatment for problems related specifically to the eye, and screen for potentially dangerous deficits. This clinic is held 1-2 times annually.

All specialty night appointments must have established primary care before being seen by a specialist. Please call the CARES clinic at 843-876-7097 to make appointments.

Note that CARES Clinic does not prescribe controlled substances at any of the specialty or primary care clinics.

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Hello, I am Amelia. How can I help you today? If this is a medical emergency, please call 911 or report to your local emergency room.
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