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Additional Weight Management Programs

In addition to our structured programs, we offer the following services:

Worksite Weight Loss Programs

Take us to work! We offer weight control programs tailored for the worksite. Employees can attend weekly in-person classes or participate online in real time from anywhere they can access the internet. Participants are provided tailored dietary and exercise guidance and behavioral information that will facilitate behavior change, weight loss, and long-term weight management. Classes are highly interactive, and the programs can be customized to fit in with the particular business or agency.

Research Programs

The Weight Management Center frequently conducts research trials of medications and other non-medication approaches to weight loss. Participation in these trials are at no cost to you. To receive information on these trials when they are announced, e-mail or call us 843-792-5428 to be placed on our research mailing list.

Virtual Assistant
Hello, I am Amelia. How can I help you today? If this is a medical emergency, please call 911 or report to your local emergency room.
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