Image of pasta salad

Focus-15 Program

The Focus-15 program is a 15-week lifestyle change program; we also include three additional follow-up visits at the end of the initial program to further assist you with managing your weight on your own. This program is designed to induce larger initial weight losses than traditional lifestyle change programs (e.g., First Step). The early part of the program provides a highly structured dietary intervention, which consists primarily of meal replacements (shakes and nutrition bars). The program also integrates the adoption of an active lifestyle through both an exercise program and active leisure. Gradually, as the program progresses, there is a shift towards a primarily food-based meal plan that leads to more moderate and sustainable weight loss. You attend weekly individual appointments that rotate among the clinical specialties (dietary, exercise, and behavioral). Our emphasis on lifestyle change means we help you learn to make healthy behavior changes that you can actually sustain long after you complete the program, thus enabling you to maintain a healthier weight for the rest of your life.

Note: We also offer 23-week and 27-week versions of our Focus program, for those wanting to lose a little more.


Phase 1 (Weeks 1 through 8): For this first phase of the program, your diet consists of approximately 1040 to 1200 calories per day, derived primarily from nutrition bars and shakes; you consume one highly structured, food-based meal per day.

Phase 2 (Weeks 9 and 10): Following the initial eight weeks of the program, you “step down” to a partial meal replacement-based plan with two highly structured, food-based meals per day.

Phase 3 (Weeks 11 through 15): At the end of 10 weeks, you meet with a registered dietitian who develops a nutritionally balanced diet designed to meet your individual long-term nutritional requirements. Note that each patient has the option of extending the duration of each phase of the program, pending approval by clinical staff.


Exercise comes in many forms. The goal of this program is to help you explore a wide array of activities for a more active lifestyle. While regular exercise sessions (e.g. walking, cycling, or resistance training) are essential, other calorie-burning leisure activities can be extremely helpful (e.g. nature walks or flying a kite). Finally, daily lifestyle can also be adjusted to help burn more calories (e.g. taking the stairs or parking further away). The Focus program is specifically designed to help you become a more active person and to develop a lifestyle that can lead to long-term maintenance of weight loss.

About the Program

What’s Included

  • Sixteen weekly individual consultations with registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, and behavioral specialists.
  • Three additional follow-up consultations with registered dietitians, exercise physiologists, or behavioral specialists (your choice); you decide the frequency of these consultations, although they are to be used at least once per month.
  • Curriculum book.
  • Labs (i.e. blood tests) at beginning and end of program.
  • Shakes and bars for 10 weeks (as stipulated in dietary prescription).


Focus-15 (all inclusive): $2,125


  • $100 (pay-in-full)
  • $50 (MUSC and state employees/spouses/retirees)
  • $50 (Military personnel/spouses and veterans/spouses)
  • 10 percent Bring a Buddy (enroll within 30 days)

Ways to Pay

You can choose to pay for your weight loss program several different ways:

Installment Plan Option

  • At enrollment: $531.25 due at enrollment
  • 3 additional monthly payments of $531.25

If you will be paying your first installment upon enrollment please email us at or call 843-792-2273 to start the process. 

MUSC Employee Payment Option

Available to MUSC/MUHA/MUSCP employees/spouses only. This plan includes the $50 MUSC employee discount.

  • $172.92 per month for 12 months.

Credit Card Payment 

Email or call 843-792-2273 to start the enrollment process.  

If you have questions regarding payment or discounts, please email us at

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