A Guide to Healthy Snacking

A woman uses a computer while snacking on a bowl of nuts.

General Tips

  • Remember Mindful Eating: It is important to pay attention to hunger and fullness cues and avoid mindless snacking.
  • Portion Control: Aim for small, balanced snacks that fit your individual calorie and protein goals.
  • Balanced Snacks: Try choosing snacks that contain a combination of protein, fiber, and healthy fats to promote satiety and provide sustained energy.
  • Hydration: Remember to stay hydrated by drinking water or other calorie-free beverages.
  • Plan Ahead: Have healthy snacks readily available to prevent impulse eating. Prepare snacks in advance, such as portioning out nuts or cutting up fruits and vegetables for easy grab-and-go options.

Healthy Snack Options

  • Protein-Rich Snacks: Greek yogurt with granola, cottage cheese, hard-boiled eggs, hummus with pretzels or veggies, protein shakes or smoothies
  • Nut and Seed-Based Snacks: Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, nut butter paired with fruit or whole grain crackers
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Berries, apples with peanut butter, sliced vegetables with hummus or yogurt dip
  • High-Fiber Snacks: Air-popped popcorn, whole grain crackers, chia seed pudding.
  • Low-Sugar Protein Bars or Snacks: Convenient options for on-the-go snacking, ensure they are low in added sugars and high in protein.