
MUSC ReVisions is an intensive outpatient therapy program providing thorough, evidence-based care for many psychiatric illnesses, including:

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Depression
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Panic Disorder
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Social Phobias (Social Anxiety)
  • Suicidality
  • Mood Disorders
  • Psychiatric Disorders

This program provides treatment, education, and coping skills that help patients manage their symptoms and improve their level of functioning. The ReVisions program is offered to adults 18 years and older. ReVisions care and treatment options are offered as an alternative to hospitalization, and act as an additional resource when intensive mental health therapy may be required. 

What Should I Expect from ReVisions Group Therapy?

The first step is the initial assessment. On day one, you will meet with a nurse and a psychiatrist to go over your medical and mental health history and review your medications. Once you've been properly assessed and admitted, you will officially begin the ReVisions program.

MUSC ReVisions is an intensive group therapy program, which means you will participate in several groups each day. You will also have the opportunity to meet regularly with a social worker and a psychiatrist one-on-one. You will be asked to come to ReVisions three to five days a week. The staff will work with you to accommodate your schedule and ensure your needs are being met from our programming. Our program hours are 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Patients return home in the evenings. 

Is ReVisions Right for Me? 

There are many benefits from participating in an intensive outpatient program. You’ll have a safety and support network that can help decrease the need to be in the hospital. Patients often find a stay in the hospital uncomfortable and less desirable than staying in their own home and bed at night. As long as your needs can be met safely at home, you can have the best of both worlds: the comforts of home in the evening hours, and receiving therapy and intensive treatment during the daytime.

For many people, weekly therapy sessions just aren't enough to successfully cope with the struggle of mental health conditions. The ReVisions program will act as an additional resource, along with your weekly therapy sessions, to help you get back on track. 

For those who are just coming out of the hospital, it’s often difficult to make the transition, and patients are at risk of relapse and readmission. This program will help to ensure a smooth transition and decrease the risk of being re-hospitalized.

The MUSC ReVisions treatment team will work hard to help you meet your goals. Achieving an optimal outcome requires a serious commitment from the you as well. The key to success is a willingness to participate in intensive psychotherapy groups and take an active role in your treatment. Patients who are actively psychotic, who have a serious drug or alcohol problem, or who have cognitive impairment (dementia) will not benefit from this type of program. Patients must also be able to manage walking, eating, and other activities on their own, or have an assistant to help.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is provided on a monthly basis, or during times of crisis.  While the focus in ReVisions is on group therapy services, individual therapy allows the patient to explore specific questions or experiences they may not feel comfortable sharing in a group setting.  Individual sessions are also used to design individualized treatment plans and goals designed to uniquely address the patients specific needs in therapy.

If a healthcare provider outside of the ReVisions program is already assisting you, we strongly encourage you to keep that provider while you're in the program for your continuity of care. Additionally, if you don't have a provider, we can assist you in the search for one.

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