Patient Stories & Testimonials

Want to know how the MUSC Women's Health comprehensive pregnancy team is changing what's possible? Real patients share their stories about their experiences with us.

Patient Story - Amanda Cameron

Amanda and Harper

Amanda Cameron chose to come to MUSC to deliver Harper because she knew that if her baby needed help, she would have access to the most comprehensive services available for newborns.

Read Amanda's Story

Patient Story - The Murphys

Image of Harriet "Hattie" Rose Murphy

Sarah Murphy & her husband, Lockwood, experienced MUSC Women’s Health firsthand when Sarah gave birth to their first child, Harriet “Hattie” Rose Murphy.

Read The Murphy's Story

Patient Story - The Calvins

Evan Calvin and NFL player Brandon Shell

A Father's Day message of gratitude to MUSC Women's Health from the parents of a healthy 14-year-old Evan.

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Patient Story - Katie Deerin

Find testimonial feedback from Katie Deerin on MUSC Health.

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Patient Story - Dr. Greenan

Candace Greenan and Baby

From the NICU team to the L&D nurses everyone was cheering Jack on. We are forever grateful for all of the love and care we received at MUSC Health.

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