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Maxillofacial Prosthodontics

Byung Joo Lee, DDS

Byung Joo Lee, DDS, MBA, FAAMP, is the Medical Director of Maxillofacial Prosthodontics. 

Call 843-876-1001 to schedule an in-person or virtual visit.

Founded in 1994, the MUSC Health Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Division of the Department of Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery bridges medicine and dentistry in the collaborative arenas of patient care, research, and teaching. The Division’s mission is to be the leader in promoting the highest standards of excellence for patients afflicted with head and neck cancer, trauma, and craniofacial defects by improving patients' quality of life and function through patient care, teaching, and discovery of knowledge.

The Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Clinic provides the clinical component of the division with an emphasis on maxillofacial prosthetics, oral oncology, implant prosthetics, and nasoalveolar molding appliances.

Maxillofacial Prosthodontic Services We Provide

Extraoral Prosthesis

Extraoral prostheses include orbital, nasal, and auricular prostheses. An orbital prosthesis artificially restores the eye, eyelids, and adjacent hard and soft tissues lost due to trauma or surgery.

Ocular Prosthesis
Replaces Eye

Orbital Prosthesis
Replaces Eye and surrounding tissues

Auricular Prosthesis
Replaces Ear

Nasal Prosthesis
Replaces Nose

Midfacial Prosthesis
Replaces part of the face which may involve more than one structure

Somatic Prosthesis
Replaces a body part like fingers, hands, etc.

Radiation Shield
Worn during radiation therapy for protection of normal tissues

Intraoral Prostheses

Resection of oral or mouth cancer can result in defects of the tongue, upper jawbone (maxilla), and lower jawbone (mandible). Defects of the tongue are best restored with a free tissue transfer of either the radial forearm, thigh, or scapula.

Surgical Obturator Prosthesis
Covers palate after partial or total loss of the maxilla (upper jaw). This is used after surgery to provide closure.

Interim and Definitive Obturator
Covers palate after partial or total loss of maxilla or due to cleft palate. It restores teeth and gums and has an extension that closes the defect or hole for swallowing, eating, chewing, and speaking.

Palatal Lift Prosthesis
Helps the soft palate assume the correct position for speech

Palatal Augmentation (Drop) Prosthesis
Alters palate prosthetically for speech

Mandibular Resection Prosthesis
Replaces portion of the jaw that has been lost and restores gums and teeth

Implant Prostheses

Craniofacial/dental implants are used extensively in the rehabilitation of craniofacial disorders.

Nasoalveolar Molding Appliances

A nasoalveolar molding (NAM) appliance is a treatment used for unilateral and bilateral cleft palate babies.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Dental treatment that uses a custom-fit device to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)

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