
Our certified menopause practitioners can help women in the perimenopause and menopause transition navigate changes during mid-life such as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Weight gain
  • Decreased libido
  • Menstrual irregularities

Every woman's menopause and perimenopause experience is unique and requires individualized care to address specific concerns and symptoms. You and your provider will work together to create the best plan for your healthiest life.

Treatments that you and your provider might discuss are:

  • Hormonal and nonhormonal treatment for hot flashes, mood swings and difficulty sleeping
  • DHEA inserts; estrogen creams, tablets or rings for vaginal dryness
  • Testosterone, flibanserin and bremelanotide for decreased libido
  • Birth control pills, IUDs, endometrial ablation for menstrual irregularities
  • Referral to nutritionist for weight gain

After demonstrating their expertise in the field, our specialized physicians have been certified by the North American Menopause Society as Menopause Practitioners. The North American Menopause Society recognized a need to set essential standards for health providers, thereby assuring high-quality care for women at menopause and beyond.


The North American Menopause Society
The MUSC Health & Wellness Institute

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