Clinic Visits (Pre- & Post-Op)

Checking in for a clinic visit

The Gastrointestinal Surgery Clinic is where patients are seen before surgery and after discharge from the hospital.

Taking your vital signs

Once you’ve checked in, you will be called back by a clinic nurse to the triage area where they will take your vital signs and ask you some questions about medications you’re on and any drug allergies you may have.

Meeting with your doctor

Once they’ve completed their paperwork, you’ll be taken to an examination room. An attending physician/surgeon, along with either a resident or nurse practitioner, will see you.

A complete medical history will be taken and a physical exam will be done. If it’s determined you need surgery, the appropriate paperwork will be filled out which includes a consent you sign giving us permission to perform surgery, pre-op orders and a history/physical.

Financial counseling

You’ll also have paperwork to take to the financial coordinator so that your insurance company is notified prior to surgery and is pre-certified ahead of the scheduled date.

Once you’ve finished seeing the financial coordinator, you will go to the first floor (of Rutledge Tower) where you register to be seen in the pre-op clinic. This visit usually takes about one hour of your time and is mandatory.

During your visit

  • Meet with nursing for a nursing assessment;
  • Meet with someone from anesthesia for an anesthesia assessment;
  • Have any pre-op tests done such as blood work, electrocardiograms (EKGs), chest x-rays, etc.

If you have had any recent tests, please bring copies with you to facilitate your visit with anesthesia. Important information includes:

  • Any blood work that has been done within previous 30 days;
  • Any EKG within previous six months;
  • Any heart catheterizations, echocardiograms (ECHO), or stress tests within previous five years;
  • Any recent pulmonary function tests.
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